It’s certainly no secret that the price of living only ever seems to be climbing and the chillier months send spending into overdrive so with the help of our friends from 2E Electrical, we’ve pulled together our top household hacks to ease your hip pocket this winter.
1. Check your windows and doors
Draw curtains at dusk to keep the heat in. The best curtains are:
Check out local biz Kool Trend Dubbo for curtain options.
Consider window tinting as it can cut heat loss by half and is a fraction of the cost of double-glazing glass. You can contact local experts Vision Tint for a quote.
Stop draughts by ensuring your windows and doors fit their frames. Use draught stopping tape or draught excluders around your frames or place door snakes along the bottom of doors.
You can find draught stoppers at
Bunnings. Or check out this adorable dachshund draught stopper from
Home & Gift.
2. Check your appliances
Appliances left on standby can cost you hundreds a year on your power bills. Major culprits are home entertainment appliances like TVs, stereos, gaming consoles, and computer equipment. Plug them into multi-plug boards so they can all be turned off properly at the same time at the end of each day. You can find surge protection power boards here.
3. Heated towel racks
We’re not saying you have to sacrifice the heated towel rack on a cold winter's night. We’re not monsters! But only turn the heated rail on when it is needed. If left on 24/7 it can cost you over $150 per year to run. You can buy timers for towel rails that come on automatically at certain times of the day, just in time for the shower.
You can get a timer from here.
4. Save on lighting
Turn lights off when you’re not using them.
Replace incandescent light bulbs with energy-efficient ones and save hundreds a year in your home.
Coupled with smart use and good design, energy-efficient lighting can brighten your world and lighten your power bills. Energy-efficient light bulbs use up to 80% less energy than standard incandescent bulbs. So, you start saving money the moment you make the switch. Pop into
Dubbo Lighting Centre for your energy-efficient lighting options.
5. Save on hot water
Heating water is expensive so using less hot water has a big impact on your energy bills.
Use an efficient showerhead that still delivers great pressure but uses much less hot water. To check the flow rate of your shower try this little experiment - put a 10-litre bucket under the shower, if it fills in less than a minute, your showerhead is wasting water. An efficient showerhead has a flow rate of 9 litres per minute or less. Pick up a water-saving showerhead from Astley's Dubbo
When washing your clothes use cold water unless you have an especially dirty load. Modern washing machines and detergents clean well using cold water. And a hot water wash will use 90% more electricity than a cold wash
6. Ways to keep your home dry
Fix broken or leaking pipes and clean out and fix gutters. Leaking pipes and blocked or broken guttering can allow moisture inside your home which can lead to mould.
Cooking, showering, and washing all introduce moisture into your home. The best way to get rid of the moisture is with externally vented extraction fans and vents. If you don’t have vents or a fan, open windows during or after cooking, showering, and washing up.
7. The importance of insulation
Good quality insulation helps keep the heat in during winter and out during summer. This makes your house easier and cheaper to heat properly, and more comfortable and healthier to live in. Hot air rises so insulating the ceiling is the easiest, most affordable, and effective option. Prioritise the ceiling and then shift your focus to under the floor and in the walls.
And be sure to close your air vents to prevent hot air from escaping through the ceiling.
Autumn is the best time to make sure your house is ready for the cold season. We hope you’re able to take some of these cost-saving tips into your own home. Know that the Taylors will be implementing them this year. For any residential electrical advice feel free to contact the DTE Team. We are always here and happy to help!
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