With more than 18,000 people recently evacuated across the New South Wales area due to extensive flooding, it’s more important than ever for homeowners to follow electrical safety rules. When it comes to returning to flooded houses and apartments, your safety is the top priority – and making sure your electrics are functional and carry no risk is top of the list.
If you’ve experienced flooding or have friends or family members in NSW that have been flooded, these important electrical safety rules after a flood will ensure you're out of danger and your electrics are safe and suitable for use:
It may be tempting to want to get into your house and rescue belongings from floodwater, but entering a home that still has flooding while your electric is on can be a serious risk to your health. Electric shocks can easily be caused by wires below the surface of the water. This is particularly important for basements and underground spaces, where flooding is harder to remove.
If you have the safe access to do so, shutting off all electrics in your house when flooding starts can help prevent damage and risks later down the line. It’s not always possible or safe to turn off your electrics, and you may want to ask a professional
electrician for help if you’re unsure whether turning off your electric is safe to do.
If any wiring in your home shows signs of fraying, breakage or any other damage after a flood, steer clear of it. Exposed wiring can deliver a nasty electric shock and even cause fires if left unchecked once your property has dried out. If you spot any obvious damage to your electrics, call out a professional service as soon as possible to make it safe.
Even if the main electrics in your home seem to be okay following a flood, many of your appliances and electronics will have been damaged or waterlogged at the same time. If your electrics are currently off, you should unplug all devices and appliances that may be damaged to prevent further risk and maybe even save expensive appliances by allowing them to dry out thoroughly.
Depending on the severity of the flood and the damage done to your home, you may need to replace electrical wiring following a flood. The best thing to do is bring in a professional electrician to assess any damage and ensure your home is safe from electrical issues.
Keeping safe in an emergency flood situation is easier if you know what to do. At DTE Electrical & Data in Dubbo, we have extensive experience in making properties’ electrics safe following floods.
Get in touch with our expert team today if you require rewiring, safety checks or assessments following a flood in your property.
Call 02 6800 1703 today!
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